My roomates and I are currently looking for a new place as our lease is up in June. I basically despise the process of looking for a place and physically moving, so I'm trying to find a new perspective and look forward to all the great things to come. Specifically, I'm excited to get a fresh start on my room decor. As much as I love my room now (especially my massive closet--I will be
so sad to leave that behind), I often feel it has the same feeling as my room when I was in college. Cozy, but also very unsophisticated with no real aesthetic. Here are some images giving me inspiration for the new look I'm craving.
Saying I'm obsessed with this eclectic mix of framed photos is an understatement. A version of this
will be in my bedroom this summer. I have so many wonderful photos, pieces of art and memorabilia and have never seemed to be able to find a way to put it all together. Some beautiful randomness seems perfect for my space. Let's just hope the new place has a decently large wall!
image via apartment 34 |
What's important to me is achieving a certain level of sophistication in my new space, while still holding on to my personal style and keeping my memories visible. All of these lovely images (and more) are causing my decor wheels to turn. I can't wait to get started!
I hope everyone is having a great day!
Wow! Lovely decor photos! I hope you will achieve the style you like for the new place. If you have time, please visit my blog.